Shopping at Orange

Hello everyone,

We have been receiving questions this week as to how we will be opening under the incoming “Traffic Light” guidelines so we thought it was a good idea to put it down in writing.

As per the official Unite against COVID-19 website, shops and retail outlets can open.

Shopping at Orange

Shops and retail outlets can open at Orange with restrictions.

Shops, including outdoor markets and banks, can open with capacity limits based on 1-metre distancing.

They can choose to follow My Vaccine Pass requirements, though this will not affect their capacity limits. They can require you to show your My Vaccine Pass to enter the shop.

You must wear a face covering if you are visiting a shop.

Unite against COVID-19 | Shopping at Orange

As a retail outlet Watson’s Garden is not required to follow the My Vaccine Pass requirements, however we will be insisting upon the following:

  • Capacity limits: Our shop is 100m2 which means our capacity for that area is 100 people. However once you include the nursery it’s unlikely we will ever reach our capacity limit. But we will continue to ask everyone to be respectful of each others space whether in the shop or the nursery.
  • QR code scanning: Everyone entering the premises MUST scan the QR code or add their details to the paper record.
  • Masks: Everyone (unless carrying a valid exemption card) MUST wear a mask at all times, and please wear the mask correctly. We are seeing an increasing number of people coming into the shop wearing them under their nose. This is not correct.

As with our response to the level based system, we take our responsibilities to our families, staff, customers and community very seriously and we thank everyone for their continued support.

If you have any questions, or require more information, please go to the following official websites:

Shopping at Orange
My Vaccine Pass
Wear a face covering
Protect yourself and others from COVID-19