Grosafe was established in 1995 to help kiwifruit and avocado growers. Sine then it’s evolved to service all crops in the horticultural industry.
Organic Root-Gro | Mycorrhiza Enhancer
Organi Root-Gro is an easy to use liquid that feeds beneficial soil micorobes and mychorrhiza fungi that activate root function and revitalise and improve soil activity leading to enhanced update of nutrients and moisture.
Lime Sulphur | Insecticide and Fungicide
Lime Sulphur controls a range of pestes and diseases on fruit trees and ornamental plants. It also controls moss and lichen on deciduous trees.
EnSpray 99
EnSpray99 is a highly refined narrow distillation range spraying oil which contains emulsifiers to facilitate mixing with water.
FreeFlo Sulphur | Fungicide
This water disperable granule is a protectant fungicide for the control of mildew and rusts on a large number of ornamentals, vegetables and pip-fruit.
Biopower | Seaweed Flake
An easy to use flake that can be added to a watering can and watered directly onto plants or added to a knapsack when applying insecticides, fungicides or herbicides. to enhance plant growth, improve yields and crop quality.
FreeFlo Copper
An organic copper hydroxide that controls a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases roses and ornamentals.